O Gorillaz, projeto de Damon Albarn, cumpriu a promessa e disponibilizou hoje, sábado (25), dia de Natal, seu novo disco, The Fall, para ser ouvido gratuitamente eu seu site oficial (thefall.gorillaz.com).
Os membros do fã clube do grupo podem fazer o downoad das músicas, e quem não for membro pode ouvir em streaming, fornecendo um endereço de email.
The Fall foi gravado por Damon Albarn durante a turnê do Gorillaz pela América do Norte, no mês de outubro. Albarn utilizou um iPad, com vinte aplicativos para produção musical, para gravar as 14 faixas. Ele afirmou que o álbum é uma espécie de "diário" da turnê. "Eu literalmente fiz as músicas na estrada na América durante um mês", disse.
As faixas tem títulos remetendo aos locais por onde ele passou, como "Phoner to Arizona", "Detroit", "The Snake in Dallas" e "California and the Slipping of the Sun". O lendário soulman Bobby Womack, que acompanhou o Gorillaz em alguns shows, canta na música "Bobby in Phoenix". (Jornal do Brasil)
Recorded in Montreal on 3rd October - REVOLVING DOORS
Recorded in Boston on 5th October - HILLBILLY MAN
Recorded in New Jersey and Virginia on 10th and 11th October
Additional Guitar: Mick Jones - DETROIT
Recorded in Detroit on 13th October - SHY-TOWN
Recorded in Chicago on 15th October - LITTLE PINK PLASTIC BAGS
Recorded in Chicago on 16th October
Additional Keyboards: Jesse Hackett - THE JOPLIN SPIDER
Recorded in Joplin on 18th October
Additional conversations with: Darren ‘Smoggy’ Evans - THE PARISH OF SPACE DUST
Recorded in Houston on 19th October - THE SNAKE IN DALLAS
Recorded in Dallas on 20th October - AMARILLO
Recorded in Amarillo on 23rd October - THE SPEAK IT MOUNTAINS
Recorded in Denver on 24th October
Stream and forest recorded in Santa Fe on 25th October by Mike Smith - ASPEN FOREST
Recorded in Santa Fe on 25th October and in Vancouver on 3rd November
Additional Bass: Paul Simonon
Additional Qanun: James R Grippo - BOBBY IN PHOENIX
Recorded in Phoenix on 26th October
Vocals and Guitar: Bobby Womack - CALIFORNIA AND THE SLIPPING OF THE SUN
Recorded in Oakland on 30th October
Train station announcement recorded at LA Train Station. Additional conversation with: Darren ‘Smoggy’ Evans, Mick Jones, Jamie Hewlett and Tanyel Vahdettin. - SEATTLE YODEL
Recorded in Seattle on 2nd November
Featuring the Archie McPhee Yodelling Pickle. Copyright 2008 Archie McPhee and Company www.mcphee.com/shop/products/Yodelling-Pickle.html
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